Add our app icon to your phone’s home screen to access this website quickly and conveniently when you need us.
All you have to do is go to the page that you want to access quickly and select the correct option from your browser menu.
Firefox Browser
- Navigate to the home page of this website,
- Press the menu button in your Firefox browser (top right or bottom of screen depending on device),
- Click on ‘Page’,
- Click on ‘Add Page Shortcut’.
Chrome Browser
- Navigate to the home page of this website,
- Press the menu button in your Chrome browswer,
- Click on ‘Add To Home Screen’,
Safari Browser
- Navigate to the home page of this website,
- In the bottom menu bar of your phone’s browser, click on the button that looks like a square box with an arrow coming out of it,
- Select ‘Add To Homescreen’.
Explorer Browser
- Navigate to the home page of this website,
- Pull up the app bar by double clicking or swiping from the bottom of your screen,
- Click on the star shaped icon.